Lucien Martini Wood engraver |
The world in which we live – or,
rather, in which we believe that we live –is different from the world of
invisible, multiple dimensions we are really in. We usually miss its
hidden riches. The work of Lucien Martini endeavours to lift a veil for
a little while.
A parallel world is there, constantly at work. Ties as strong as the
ties of love or hate, are there, linking visible and invisible beings
and things. Ties that are sometimes good, sometimes not so good !
A «Warrior of light », flanked by the sun and the moon, uses his heart
to centralize the movements of such flows ; they go through his own body
and thus get pacified and re-organized (N° 9).
Human eyes find it hard to perceive the « Saint », bathed in
supernatural light, who has vanquished the two lions who are at his
sides. The dangerous beasts are no longer to be feared (« Saints with
two lions », N° 10)
« Atlas and his aids »(N° 7) uphold the sky
vault. The myths of Antiquity and those of the Amerindians coincide :
priests or heroes must « help » the world !
Just as essential and just as hard to perceive by human eyes, a
beneficent being reconciles man and woman, bringing their hands together
(N° 6).
The primeval mother, the great mother of all beings, sits in the heart
of the world. She is surrounded by all the protections that the universe
can provide, so that she can continue to accomplish her mission («
Urmutter », N° 3)
All creatures feel these powers at work. And all are keen to peep into
their origin, into the source of it all, the heart of things. They want
to know « The secret »(N° 8)
Those whose eyes are open can see, up there in the skies, the « New
Jerusalem », not an earthly city, but a spiritual one, a fulfilment (N°
Underlying those currents and bonds and influences and flows, there is a
humble, persevering work, it is the work of today’s alchemists. In their
own space, watched over by huge, protective leaves, they pursue their
research(N° 12, « Couple of alchemists ».
« Life energy »(N° 13) and « Evening’s harmony
»(N° 14) quietly assert their central position in
the universe. And « Synchronicities » demonstrate that everything is
connected to everything else, in time and space (N°
Irène Hoffer Martini |
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